Balance Your Minerals to 
Transform Your Life

Looking for clarity and lasting solutions?

I invite you to take a deeper look at how your body is functioning so you can get straight-forward solutions that drastically improve your quality of life.

It's easier than you think!

You can ditch feeling sub-optimal...for good.

You've been fighting a losing battle because your cells don't have what they need to fire on all cylinders.

It's not 'just a part of getting older'
or because you're not doing a HIIT class 3 times a week.

 Let's do some simple investigating to see what your particular needs are! 

If you'd like to work 1:1 with Erica, apply here.
Only 4 spots open per month.

The person you want to wake up being is closer than you think!

It's not your fault this isn't your current reality.
It wasn't mine either, even as a naturopath!

You simply haven't had the tools until now... you'll see.

There's a lifetime of societal programming, medical gaslighting, lack of proper training, under-reported nutrient deficiencies and blocked toxicities preventing you from becoming Your Best Self.  

It took me over a decade to crack the code... I've had to spend years 'unlearning' and digging deeper to start getting unexpectedly great results with clients.

If you're new to my world, watch my (FREE) life-changing masterclass: the Cellular Health Blueprint; I share the top 4 strategies that radically transform your cellular health.

If you feel called to work deeper with me and you're serious about taking your cellular health game to the next level, consider applying for the HTMA Deep Dive (details below).

This isn't like working with other practitioners... we go deeper than just food and supplements to get you incredible results... and have fun while we're at it! 

You're definitely a fit if if you get excited about doing things differently.

Life is short; you deserve to enjoy as much of it as you possibly can..

This is a judgment free zone, come as you are.

Say good-bye to hustle culture and doing more, more, more (often paired with eating less and feeling stressed)... it's time to give yourself the gift of regeneration.

Working 1:1 with Erica looks like:

- simple, non-invasive Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), a snapshot of the last 3 months of your life

- specific diet, lifestyle, nutrient therapy and mindset shifts tailored to your individual needs based on your HTMA results and goals

What the heck is HTMA and why do we love it?

To my fellow health enthusiast or skeptic, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can help detect several imbalances in the body, such as:

- Mineral deficiencies or excesses
- Heavy metal toxicities
- Adrenal gland/nervous system dysfunction
- Thyroid & metabolic dysfunction

- Malabsorption of nutrients
- Chronic inflammation
- Poor liver & digestive function
- Insulin resistance & blood sugar issues
- Imbalances in your gut microbiome

- Emotional disturbances
- Ongoing exposure to environmental toxins  

Do you know that standard blood tests do not give an accurate reflection of your health? Plus, they're affected by things like dehydration, time of day, stress, food, supplements, medication, and more!

What about urine or saliva testing? They're less invasive than blood tests, but those tests only show what's being excreted in your body, not what's actually being absorbed and utilised.

This is the gift of HTMA.

Instead of testing what's currently floating around in your body fluids, HTMA looks at levels and ratios of minerals that have accumulated in your hair (it also analyses heavy metal toxicities, BONUS)!  

Your hair acts like a history book, showing a record of your body's mineral status over the last 3 months.

Certain minerals work together and affect each other's absorption and utilisation. If one mineral is out of whack, it can throw off the delicate balance of another and cause problems.

HTMA testing can show these imbalances and help you get back on track.  

We work together to get a deeper understanding of your body's mineral status, energy levels, metabolism, stress response, even lurking toxicities that prevent you from thriving,

It's an easy, painless, intelligent approach to your overall health.
You'll wish you did it sooner!

Working Together You'll Discover:
- your metabolic type: slow/fast (not based on weight)
- how your body is handling stress
- if you're storing blocked toxins including heavy metals
- simple steps to balance yourself to optimal health
- significant mineral ratios that explain how you're feeling
- a flexible framework that you can adjust to suit your needs to guarantee success
- how easy it can be when you're working under the guidance of a skilled/experienced practitioner (*deeeeep exhale*)

- how good it feels to thrive in a body you love 

True health also taps into the Mind-Body Connection.

We go much deeper than just diet and mineral therapy... our journey together results in greater transformations:

- ditch self-limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your success
- stop unnecessary people-pleasing that zaps your frequency and precious time
- set boundaries to take your life back and help you thrive, guilt-free
- ditch perfectionism and your inner critic
- prioritise your nervous system and stress response
- feel connected and aligned to your purpose so you can shine your unique light in the world
- trust your intuition so you can respond instead of react and release control

Here's How We Can Work Together

Program Details:
HTMA Deep Dive Package
(includes 2 HTMAs)

>> 4 month minimum commitment <<

HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) contains a wealth of clinical data which, when interpreted correctly, gives accurate, evidence-based insight into nutrient imbalances and mineral toxicity (including heavy metals) linked to your symptoms that lead to unnecessary medications if left unaddressed.

CONVENIENCE: Your hair sample can be done at home. You'll receive a short video showing you the simple steps.

Month 1


- HTMA + Online Health Appraisal Intake Form
- 1:1 Onboarding Call
- 1:1 Results Review
- 3 Months of Practitioner-Only Products Included!

Month 2


- 2 x 1:1 Check-In Sessions
- Protocol Tweaks as Appropriate
- Practitioner-Only Products Included

Month 3


- 2 x 1:1 Check-In Sessions
- HTMA Retest at 12-16 weeks
- Practitioner-Only Products Included

Month 4


- 1:1 HTMA Results Review
- Assess Treatment Plan Progress
- 1:1 Offboarding Call
- Optional Supplement Recommendations

Total of 8 1:1 calls with Erica over 4 months.

After years of clinical practice, I've discovered it generally takes 6-12 months to completely upgrade your health & life.

Includesvoice message/email access to me for the duration of the 4 months (I respond to messages Monday-Friday). 

Additional testing available if desired or requested, depending on your circumstance.

I use InterClinical Professionals HTMA for their strict quality control and standard for excellence (not all HTMA labs are reputable/reliable)!

Working with me is perfect for you if...

You're ready to finally take charge of your health

But everything you've tried until now hasn't stuck

You've been told "everything's normal"

But deep down you know something isn't right and you're excited about using a superior form of testing to get insight & solutions

You've been told "everything's normal"

But deep down you know something isn't right and you're excited about using a superior form of testing to get insight & solutions 

You've got all the basics down ( think)

You know that nutrition & lifestyle contributes to your overall wellbeing but want to investigate deeper to reveal your individual needs

You acknowledge a toxic world

Environmental pollutants & chemicals, hormone disruptors, EMFs, depleted soils, processed foods, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals, even toxic relationships impact your wellbeing

You acknowledge a toxic world

Environmental pollutants & chemicals, hormone disruptors, EMFs, depleted soils, processed foods, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals, even toxic relationships impact your wellbeing

You acknowledge a toxic world

Environmental pollutants & chemicals, hormone disruptors, EMFs, depleted soils, processed foods, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals, even toxic relationships impact your wellbeing

You're ready to break free from the mainstream medicine machine

You understand conventional doctors are trained in pharmacology (drugs) not prevention, root cause medicine, or healing

You're excited to commit to a simple, sustainable way of seeing long-term results

But realise you can't do it all yourself and are ready to stop wearing all the hats (I'll do the heavy lifting)

You're excited to commit to a simple, sustainable way of seeing long-term results

But realise you can't do it all yourself and are ready to stop wearing all the hats (I'll do the heavy lifting)

You're ready to lighten up, love yourself, and not take things so seriously

Easier said than done, right?! Deep breath, in, deep breath out... I'll show you how to take charge of your life without burnout

You're ready to lighten up, love yourself, and not take things so seriously

Easier said than done, right?! Deep breathe, in, deep breathe out... I'll show you how to take charge of your life without burnout

Working with a trained Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) practitioner is important for:

 Accurate interpretation: the knowledge and experience to accurately interpret the results of your analysis and develop a plan JUST FOR YOU to address these issues. Sounds good, right?

Proper supplementation: therapeutic dosages to correct imbalances using practitioner-only formulations for optimal purity and absorption.

Avoiding potential harm: HTMA is a powerful diagnostic tool, but it needs to be used properly under the guidance of an experienced HTMA practitioner.

Personalized approach: you have a unique metabolic rate, stress response and toxin exposure... your report requires individual interpretation.

HTMA Deep-Dive Package
>> 4-month commitment <<
includes 2 HTMAs + 3 months of practitioner-only products, shipped globally!

What's Your Investment?

Ready to create a mind & body that is finely-tuned towards
- optimal energy & vitality
- a resilient stress response
- a robust metabolism
- balanced hormones & mood

- efficient detox pathways
Only you can make it happen! I'll show you the way.

Services available worldwide.

Get Started Today For


Four Monthly Instalments
AUD available upon request

Pay In Full


 One Payment to Save $219
AUD available upon request

Working 1:1 with Erica is a full 4-month commitment, not a cancel-anytime subscription.
If you enrol with a payment plan, instalments will be processed automatically each month until your payment plan is complete.

Does your current reality pass this simple test?

If you answer true to the following questions, click on outta here and get on back to your stellar day.

But if you answer false to any, it's likely your health could use a bit of a spruce up (that's my specialty).


true or false

I wake up well rested, with an appetite and a positive outlook on the day; I feel clear, motivated and in control of my thoughts and actions.


true or false

I'm proud about the state of my health, mind, quality of life and the support I receive from my healthcare practitioners.


true or false

I appreciate I can't get everything from diet alone so I use supplements prescribed for my individual needs by someone trained holistically to do so.

I don’t ever weigh myself - I wish I had before beginning this - I have lost cms and feel great! 
My bloat is gone and even my appetite has changed from the foods I’d use to crave to more healthy choices to nourish my body now!
I don’t need to eat as much to feel full and satiated, whereas before I’d just eat and eat. For the sake of it, I can stop at 1 glass of wine too!!!"

- MC

Apply for the HTMA Deep Dive

Transform your mind & body to be finely-tuned towards
- optimal vitality & energy
- a resilient stress response
- a robust metabolism
- balanced hormones & mood

- effortless maintenance

Respect yourself and future health by targeting your individual needs.
Only you can make it happen! I'll show you the way.

Pay In Full

Single Investment Of


AUD available on request

Payment Plan

4 Monthly Instalments Of


AUD available on request

Other Ways We Can Work Together

HTMA Lite.
