The Essential Mineral Protocol.
Upgrade Your
Energy & Resilience
using iodine therapy

the stress-free, proven approach to
 Restore Your Cellular Health  
in just 2 minutes a day
You're sick of feeling mediocre, 
stressed and on the brink of burnout.

You're ready to wake up feeling rested and recharged, so you can feel your absolute best without restriction or overwhelm.

It's actually quite simple. 
Give Your Cells What They Need.

Address key mineral deficiencies that are sabotaging your quality of life, plus the exact steps to fix 'em for good.

Question For You

What does your life look like 6 months from now? How about 1 year? 5 years? 10?

Are you full of energy, productive, calm, and smashing your goals out of the park?

Or are you exhausted, unmotivated, cloudy, irritable, sluggish?

My hope is you chose the former, but the question is, do you have a roadmap to get there?

Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

So many switched-on folks like you realise the system is broken and as a result are...

  •  skeptical of most (if not all) healthcare practitioners
  •  spending thousands (often more!) on various healing modalities
  •  wasting precious time & energy without lasting results
  •  trying all the latest fads (from fitness to diets to supplements to testing)
  •  researching yourself into more confusion because of conflicting information

The Top Myths Keeping You Stuck


"Everything's come back normal"

What's 'normal'? Lab ranges are based on the population average (that's why they keep changing over time; as society gets sicker, ranges get broader). Shouldn't these ranges be SET based on optimal physiology for both women and men?


You need willpower to succeed

Not this time! You'll see changes within a week or two on this simple protocol (quality, dosage, and formulation matter). You'll see results well before you consider giving up. I designed Antidote in such a way that willpower isn't required.


You have to restrict to look & feel amazing

That's a hard no. You've got enough on your plate trying to navigate life and its chaos, we don't want you running on fumes.
Skipping meals and calorie deficits aren't doing your stressed out metabolism and nervous system any favours.


Mainstream medicine will sort you

Doctors get less than 20 hours of nutrition training--if any (!)--in med school, no vitamin or mineral therapies (you can't patent nutrients). Let's not get into the clinical irrelevancy. Many deficiencies lead to unnecessary meds. Do you plan to avoid being a statistic?

If you're still trusting the "science" when it comes to health...

Science is how we are taught to understand the world. Yet failures in peer review and statistical errors or omissions have rendered a shocking number of scientific studies useless or terribly misleading.

When you add up how much “settled science” is no longer settled, it's easy to accept the possibility that 'experts' aren’t always right.

The current system of research funding and publication not only fails to protect us from mistakes but actively encourages bad science – with sometimes deadly consequences.

It's 100% possible to walk away from a corrupted system to upgrade your stress response, energy, digestion, sleep, & immunity in ways the conventional model will never understand...

Hey, I'm Erica!

In late 2oo9 I rejected the broken mainstream medicine machine, packed by bags and moved from Canada to Australia to pursue naturopathy and find real solutions to my multiple health issues that could only be helped by "medication for life".

From allergies to asthma, eczema, constipation, hormonal issues (PCOS), neuro-diversity, insomnia, and subclinical hypothyroidism, I was to be on prescription drugs for the rest of my life.

This blatant disregard of the body's innate ability to heal troubled and confused me, which fuelled over a decade of deep work and uncovered truths that are meant to remain buried.

(Just quietly, I resolved all of my deep-rooted, 'incurable' conditions).

I'm not special. Just passionate about transparency and informed consent (both seemingly nonexistent today).

  If you've ever had labs done, a quick note on routine blood testing.
Lab ranges are based on what's considered 'normal', not optimal... and 'normal' in today's society = sick (it can be shocking to discover this).

Insurance companies also limit what tests doctors can run.

This means you're less likely to get any answers until an advanced stage of illness or imbalance manifests... then it's a script for x,y,z medication, which can cause side effects that result in more medication... usually for the rest of your life.

Western medicine has become the #1 KILLER.

Doctors aren't taught or trained in cellular health (let alone nutrition, vitamins, minerals, etc). Do you really believe they are properly equipped to help you feel your best?

The biggest thing I've learned along the way?

Your body is far smarter than the 'current' science. 
Science that is always changing (yet when you look back, has rarely been right)...

Listen to your body.

If you're ready to leave behind the exhausted, lacklustre version of you and start feeling excited about your life again because you've got the cellular health, energy--and the resilience--to go after your wildest dreams?

I've got a simple solution with your name on it...

The Essential Iodine Protocol.
Upgrade Your
Energy & Resilience
using iodine therapy

To provide you with the tools you need to 
upgrade your cellular health 
(within just a few weeks).

Creating this productive, energised, stress-free version of you doesn't have to be financially or mentally exhausting...

It doesn't have to restrict or deprive you of things you love.
 What if it could be easy? 

Antidote is your All-Access Pass to Success with Iodine Therapy
in just 2 minutes a day.
Have more knowledge than most doctors--conventional or alternative--on the health crisis happening today with iodine.

You'll understand how a deficiency in iodine and essential nutrients causes brain fog, weight gain, fatigue, and low libido. It's unconventional and exciting.

Restore critical deficiencies that are impacting your quality of life!

You'll understand the importance of iodine and the non-negotiable nutrients and how to safeguard your health forever. No one is deficient in a drug (but they do cause deficiencies). I'm making it impossible to fail by shipping the products to your door!
Pamper your metabolism, nervous system, and detox pathways with the nutrients they need to do their job, efficiently & effectively!
FINALLY, long-term results happen when your cells what they need in order to function well. 

How is Antidote So Effective?


Helps detoxify harmful substances such as bromine, chlorine + fluoride that wreak havoc on your brain function, metabolism and cellular health.


Stress burns through minerals! Antidote assists your adrenal cortisol health (nervous system) and improves your resilience to stressors of all kinds.


Crucial for prostate, breast and ovarian health; even estrogen + testosterone balance. Your hormones/glands/cells need these nutrients.


Antidote restores unavoidable mineral deficiencies linked to many cancers (more info inside); results are from antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pro-apoptotic effects.

Universal medicine

This protocol improves gut health, intestinal absorption, energy, mental focus, stamina via key minerals that have been safely + effectively used by doctors since the 1800s!


Your thyroid controls your body's metabolism. Antidote provides the key minerals your thyroid needs to function, and even benefits those who no longer have a thyroid.

It really is this simple.
Replenish your body & mind with a mineral protocol that supports living your life to the fullest instead of the other way around. 

Here's How It Works

Join Antidote.

Celebrate! You're making the most important step in improving your health and preventing degenerative diseases like specific cancers (breast, prostate, thyroid, lung, colon, ovarian, and more)!

I'm not yanking your chain, if you had a crystal ball showing what just a few weeks on the Antidote protocol does for your energy, clarity, digestion, hormones and more...

you'd be wishing you had a Delorean to travel back in time so you could start sooner.
But that's okay, you're reclaiming the rest of your life, and that's priceless.

Watch the Short Video Series.

Around 2 hours (total) of short videos to watch at your leisure summarising the research. You'll shed any skepticism, doubts or fears while becoming empowered to commit to the protocol.

A major flaw in the current system: important information has been removed from the medical texts and curriculum (including naturopathy).
Also, the RDI (recommended daily intake) of certain minerals are actually making you worse. Not for long!

Watch the Short Video Series. 

Only 2 hours total of short videos summarising the research. You'll shed any skepticism, doubts or fears while becoming empowered to commit to the protocol.

A major flaw in the current system: lack of proper training; as well as important information has been removed from the medical texts and curriculum (including naturopathy).

Also, the RDA (recommended daily allowances) of certain minerals are actually making you worse. Not for long!

Your Supplements Arrive.

You don't have to lift a finger, huzzah! I understand human nature, self sabotage, procrastination, etc. This isn't my first rodeo.

After signing up for Antidote, I take care of the rest. Depending on where you live, these practitioner-only products can take 2-3 weeks to arrive (Australia is ~1 week).

These are the highest quality products; I've carefully selected specific formulations that will give you therapeutic results. You need a qualified practitioner to access them (happy to be of service)!

You Begin Your Transformation.

It only takes 2 minutes a day to adhere to the protocol! That's right. There's only an AM & PM component. As mentioned, most see results within 1-2 weeks!

If pregnant or breastfeeding, the dosage drops, but the benefits to you and baby are immense.  

Antidote should be a non-negotiable for all men and women, especially pre-conception, but also pregnancy and post-partum!

You Begin Your Transformation.

It only takes 2 minutes a day to adhere to the protocol! That's right. There's only an AM & PM component. As mentioned, most see results within 1-2 weeks!

If pregnant or breastfeeding, the dosage drops, but the benefits to you and baby are immense.

Antidote should be a non-negotiable for all men and women, especially pre-conception, but also pregnancy and post-partum!

I know it sounds too good to be true, but I'm no charlatan.
You're allowed to feel skeptical when everything you've tried until now makes health & wellness so damn complicated.

On Top Of Quick, Easy to Understand Videos & Practitioner-Only Products,
You Will Have Access to a Private Group For Questions

It's proven time and again the benefits of making positive changes when there's support. This group isn't a time-suck; it's just a life-line for you to ask any questions that may come up during the protocol!

Course Curriculum

"Started on the full protocol. I feel great, have lost 6+ pounds, have lost my sugar cravings, and I have energy throughout my day. I love what is happening, hope this trend continues. I'm happy!"

- KD, Canada


Replenish iodine and the non-negotiable nutrients that you're not getting enough of to recharge cellular health, increase brain function, balance hormones and support your elimination pathways... if the healthcare system acknowledged this, there would be a drastic shift in the stats that prove we're getting "sicker, fatter, and dumber" in the modern world. You aren't destined to be another statistic!

Invest in yourself, your health, and your relationships by optimising your cellular health from the foundations.

I can't wait to welcome you inside Antidote, let your health revolution begin!



One Payment

3-Part Payment Plan


3 Monthly Instalments

the Guarantee.

It's a bold thing to say, but I'm doing it...

Antidote helps you feel motivated, in control of your life, and to function at full capacity.

How much longer are you willing to drag yourself out of bed every day, need a million post-it notes to remember your tasks, or feel like you need a 3-year vacation?

So much of the information passed on by practitioners is outdated, clinically irrelevant, or straight-up wrong...

And don't even get me started on iodo-phobia (the medical induced fear of iodine)!

Protect yourself from the public health disaster that is iodine deficiency and the medical lies that are slowly draining your health and quality of life.

Finally start seeing results, which has nothing to do with willpower, but your cellular health.

Restoring the specific nutrients in this protocol helps your cells to get rid of blocked halides and heavy metals so you can start living the life you've always dreamed of.

Inside Antidote you get everything you need to get started and succeed with iodine therapy; increase your resilience to stress, sickness, toxins and more, in just 2 minutes a day.

When you start looking at your health holistically and from the Antidote perspective, using root cause medicine and restoring unavoidable deficiencies... well, you might finally discover your search for real solutions are over.

If you don't feel results on the protocol, simply contact me within 90 days and I'll refund you. Yep, I'm that confident this will change your life!

"Laughing with my husband - we are at it like RABBITS - horny teenage rabbits… I feel more sexually attuned than I have in years and am so easily aroused and lubricated and having some of the best orgasms of my life (and I have seriously good orgasms anyhow….) energy is good, I’m working out at the gym and swimming more and sleeping well… I’ve felt really really good. Xx"

- Melanie C, Australia

Antidote is perfect for you if...

  • you're busy but want to see results fast
  • you want answers & real solutions to your brain fog, low energy or inability to thrive
  • you are excited to guide yourself through the trainings on your own time, and commit to 2 minutes a day for the supplements
  • you're serious about making your health a top priority but prefer ease over effort
  • you're fed-up with the current model of healthcare
  • you're sick of bouncing around from practitioner to practitioner (or haven't got one)
  • you're ready to leave behind the old story of what's possible for you
  • you want to reclaim your life & set yourself up for the healthiest future
  • you want a step-by-step guide but you don't need hand-holding
  • you're excited about working with someone who's proud to break free from the pack, thinks critically, and has dedicated over 10 years to deep research and finding real solutions

Imagine this time you finally crack the code.

You feel noticeable improvement with the least amount of effort (and zer0 restrictions)...

The version of yourself that wakes up refreshed, energised, even ready for a romp!


Total clarity on why you haven't been able to improve your health and where you must focus to get results

A 3 month supply of high quality, practitioner-only products at your doorstep like magic, without having to lift a finger

A streamlined AM & PM supplement regimen that takes less than 2 minutes a day

An action plan for maintenance & longevity based on your individual needs

Lifetime access to the laid-back community of fellow 'Antidoters' to cheer you on & stay accountable (+ access to me!)

Questions? I have answers...

Yes! The formulations have been carefully selected and are accessible if you're pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to conceive... (in fact, Antidote should be non-negotiable for preconception care)! In a perfect world... *sigh*
NOTE: the strength of one nutrient in the protocol changes during pregnancy & breastfeeding (mentioned inside the trainings); you'll receive a lower dosage formula as a result.

Yes. Antidote is not appropriate if you're on Levodopa (Parkinson's medication). Also, some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, heart-related problems and kidney issues can cause high potassium. This protocol is contraindicated while on any medications that impact potassium levels... (if you have high blood pressure, be mindful that it can be a result of stress and/or low potassium, not high sodium, which is what most are led to believe... consider this before, or if you've been prescribed hypertensive medication).
Anti-thyroid medications are contraindicated (used in hyperthyroidism), but hypothyroid medications are okay.
If you're on medication contraindicated with phenylalanine, contact support before beginning.

A note on synthetic or bio-identical hormones (whether it's for contraception or hormonal 'balance' during reproductive years, peri-menopause, and beyond): You will never be able to balance hormones while on the pill, IUD, HRT, or any others. It's as simple as that. You might find that hormonal symptoms are exacerbated (get worse) if you do the Antidote protocol whilst on any of these, as your body can finally produce and balance its own hormones from the nutrient repletion (meaning your symptoms can flare if you're also on synthetic hormones).
I implore you to consider the ramifications of these hormonal hijackers... they disrupt and strain your delicate endocrine system and most increase your risk of depression and chronic + degenerative disease.

Absolutely! I designed Antidote for busy, stressed out folks. Tomorrow never comes... you'll be thrilled that the protocol works for even the busiest schedules and high performance people; it only takes 2 minutes a day to succeed (in the form of an AM & PM supplement regimen that's included in the price and shipped worldwide)!
This is the quickest, easiest way to upgrade your health and quality of life. The short training videos can be watched in your own time and total ~2 hours. You can do it!

That's up to you. If this is resonating, I highly encourage you to jump on board, but you're advised to stop other supplements for these 3 months to ensure there's no overlap of certain nutrients that could lead to imbalances or toxicity (nutrients have synergies & antagonisms to consider). It's also about keeping things simple for consistency and success!
I'm extremely proud of the therapeutic reach of this protocol and it's equally important for both genders (including pre, during, and post conception).
Once inside, you'll see why no practitioner is taught the fundamentals of Antidote (you'll thank yourself for trusting your intuition and joining us)... your life is about to change!

Nope! Whether you're a qualified healthcare practitioner or a hobby-health enthusiast, the focus of this protocol is not well-known within conventional or alternative medicine realms. It will change your perspective.
As you now know, iodine has been all but removed from medical literature as a therapeutic, despite hundreds of years of sound scientific evidence, research, and clinical data. I still get excited thinking about it!
I can't wait to share this life-changing work and for you to feel the results first hand. Your brain (& cells) are about to get new spark plugs!

So long as you aren't on the medications listed in question 2, then I recommend coming on board. Illness and disease stem from imbalances (and overt deficiencies). This protocol is fundamental in giving your body (cells, tissues, hormones) what it needs to start healing and rebuilding. Your body has an innate ability to heal (not respected in mainstream medicine). Let's get back to basics and focus on the root causes. What have you got to lose?

Yep! It's there if anything comes up for you while on the protocol. A safe space to ask questions. It's smart to tackle new routines with support... and we also do better hearing others' experiences.
You're about to be a part of an unconventional grassroots movement centred around root-cause medicine, transparency, real evidence, and decades of clinical data! You are not alone.

This program is designed for adults, including pregnancy & breastfeeding women. Kids will benefit from this protocol but require lower dosages and different formulations, which are not included as part of the package. If you want to support your child and work with me, I encourage you to apply for my 1:1 offerings!

If you join and complete the protocol, but for some reason you aren't satisfied with the results, simply contact me within 90 days of joining and I'll refund you. You deserve this and I want to remove any and all obstacles preventing you from taking action! Your future self (plus every cell, hormone, tissue in your body) thanks you in advance.

Not to worry. If it's simple enough to answer via email, drop a line via the contact form, I'm always happy to help!

"I have noticed significant changes in mental clarity that I have not felt in a long time. My overall feeling of stress is barely in existence.
Oh and I have been sleeping better than I have in years! I am very grateful to you for Antidote and the community, thank you!""

- Rebecca L, Canada

A happier, resilient, empowered YOU is only a few short weeks away from this very moment.


3 payments of

$355 USD

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  • 3-Part Payment Plan

    • 3 Months of Products - Shipped Worldwide
    • Lifetime Access
    • Private Question Portal
I'm Ready!


$997 USD

  • Pay In Full

    • 3 Months of Products - Shipped Worldwide
    • Lifetime Access
    • Private Question Portal
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